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The term “Eyology” was coined in 1995 by Leonard Mehlmauer to reference several ancient and modern arts and sciences involving markings and colorings in the anterior layers of the eye, plus the pupil, and their relation to health and personality.  Theoretically, there are eight sub-sciences under Iridology, four under Sclerology. Of these sciences, the three more currently familiar in the Natural Health field—i.e., those that are more tried and tested in modern science and experience—are Physical Iridology, Personality Iridology, and Sclerology.  Pupilology has been added—more of those valuable natural health evaluation signs and markings in the eyes. These closely-related and time-honored health evaluation sciences are increasingly referred to altogether as Eyology.
Besides showing us that a person is alive (!), the eyes have always been used by healers to identify areas in the client or patient that are of real and potential concern.  Despite suppression by Rockefeller-Big Pharma Medicine (RPM), healers from various specialties have perennially found these eye markings useful.  Eyology has always been accepted worldwide by the common people. Physical Iridology is commonly taught in Russian medical schools since 1943, having proven itself at the practical level and validated itself scientifically. More recently, instruction in Sclerology is currently available at the University level in Brazil.
Real science (as opposed to the false science of “scientific materialism”) is a method of investigation that has no philosophy as such other than being open-minded to all possibilities. Despite the peoples’ acceptance, Eyology is still questioned (1) by those fearful that it will reveal their own “official” methods to be useless or downright harmful,  or (2) by those worried that their revenue will be lost to the freely practicing Eyologist who’s focus is typically non-patentable Natural Health, or (3) by the narrow-minded or closed-minded who condemn or anathematize without adequately (or even at all) investigating Eyology to learn of its power and place in the pantheon of the healing arts.
Iridology involves the observation of iris color and structure.  The irises are the flat, ring-shaped, generally brown-, hazel- or blue-colored discs we see when we look into someone’s eyes.  Sclerology involves the whites of the eyes, including the conjunctiva (the somewhat moveable membrane atop the white part) and the episclera – the white part that shows the more fixed and larger red lines and other markings. And then, there’s the black pupil in the center of the eye, who’s border, shape and coloring provide us even more health data.
Eyology has seven branches currently under study and research, some of them theoretical—as is common in science generally.  The black pupils at the center of the eyes, included in Eyology, also contain a wealth of data.  The iris includes information on various planes of energy, including the physical, the personality, the etheric the emotional, the temporal (“Time-Risk”), the mental, the causal, and the Spiritual.
The ancient Chinese used the scleras to verify Acupuncture energy areas and signs.  Acupuncture involves the movement of essentially etheric energy.  A thousand-year-old Chinese healing manual shows sclera drawings depicting apparent both physical and etheric energy references.  Grand Medicine research has verified evidence of physical and etheric-emotional energies in the scleras.
The two most popular Iridology sciences are Physical Iridology (or Iris-1) and Personality Iridology (or Iris-2). Grand Medicine teaches both. Physical Iridology, as currently practiced, involves both genetic and developed markings—with an emphasis on inheritance. It essentially involves gross physical body data, excelling in showing genetic predisposition. Personality Iridology provides a wide range of data on how and why one acts the way they do, relationships with parents, introversion or extroversion, qualities of ego strategy, relationships, skill traits, right / left-brain emphasis, and more.  Sclerology, at the level of the gross physical and etheric-emotional, is more of a biomarker of current events and etheric-emotional energy. Its focus is current pathology, and of areas of stress and congestion happening now. In terms of overall data at the gross physical energetic level, the scleras typically display twice that of Physical Iridology.
With its unique views of the body-mind, and while non-toxic, inexpensive, non-invasive, and completely natural, here are just some of the valuable items of health data that Eyology science provides the healer. Signs showing:

—Genetic tissue predispositions
—Tissue areas of developed tendency
—Parasite, drug and chemical influences
—Body areas of greatest stress / congestion
—A wide range of personality characteristics
—Data confirmation of other diagnostic modalities
—Physical, etheric and emotional energy involvement
—Physiological organ inter-relationships, exchanges & influences
—Developing problems years in advance of the display of symptoms
—Assessment of client bodily response to the healer’s Rx / therapies
—Showing areas most likely to be compromised by disease situations
—Tissue changes—increased / decreased pathology, seen within 3 days
— Neoplasm Vulnerable Areas (NVAs), body areas vulnerable to and suggestive of malignancy

Note that Eyology’s data is “evaluative”, not “diagnostic”. I.e., it does not “diagnose” in the sense of specific medically -defined pathology.  Its signs are generic, and hence its terms (e.g., “excessively acid tissue condition” instead of “arthritis”, and “pancreas metabolism dysfunction” as opposed to the medical term “diabetes”).

Eyology helps target the root causes of the client’s health challenges. Once identified thru inspecting all eye markings and considering all available data, the healer (1) provides the patient with an outline of Eyology data, (2) summarizes what is most important, and (3) makes specific recommendations (Rx) regarding life-positive diet and lifestyle. For real healing to occur, the patient must (a.) know how they got the problem, (b.) know what to do to resolve it, and (c.) do it! In the case of Personality Iridology, the client may verify and elaborate on the wide range of personality characteristics their irises are describing and revealing.

Additionally, even in apparently well clients, Eyology displays potential and developing disorders—up to three years in advance of symptom presentation.  This information can then be supported by the healer’s Rx: recommended (and performed) life-positive changes in the patient’s diet and lifestyle that improve what the patient had been practicing, thus minimizing the risk of future disease and promoting strong natural health.

—Message us at any time 619-240-3711

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