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The GREAT Liquid Diet

The GREAT Liquid DietThe GREAT Liquid Diet Book.

Available on Amazon in both hardcopy and e-book forms

Since 1972, our GranMed clinic has seen thousands of patients, with illnesses ranging from colds to cancer.  In the more serious cases, including the main chronic degenerative diseases, people sought real relief.  Some desperate ones had (not surprisingly) already been given up on by medical doctors who felt they couldn’t help them.


Fortunately, beginning in 1975, we had a trump card, a special diet-based therapy which—with patient compliance and when rightly followed—worked every time.  As long as their case wasn’t “terminal”, where their body decided it was already too late in the game, we recommended The GREAT Liquid Diet (GLD). 


For years, we presented an outline form of the GLD to both patients and students of our courses.  Then, at their insistence, we finally decided to fill in all the details and present it in book form.  At first, it was a small green book with the basics.  But after four editions and much more experience, we zeroed on the 5th edition and did a major overhaul.  Here it is!


The GLD is perfect for anti-aging, gentle weight loss, rejuvenation, and almost every disease circumstance you can name.  No harsh fasting.  No crunching raw veggies for hours at a time.  It’s a diet and health regime you and your patients can live with—and use safely in almost every difficult case.  With lots of delicious recipes, it’s designed to sell to your clients/patients and also to use as a primer to teach them this way of life.


The GLD book is a wide-ranging treatise on Holistic Health, covering raw dieting, diet purity, The BIG 7, toxins and toxics, finding and using the right practitioner, the best tools for liquefying foods, performing enemas, the function of the body, the role of the healer, the condition of modern medicine, and much more.  We’ve poured heart and soul into this book.  It’s more than likely you’ll continue on tasty GLD liquids for improved health, natural weight control, and healthy longevity, than on any other diet—even after a 30-Day GLD.


The GLD book, hugely expanded 5th edition, tons of new recipes.  The paperback version has 360 pages.  For yourself, your relatives, and for your clients / patients.  Available only on Amazon.  Get yours now and share it with everyone.  They will thank you!  In ebook and paperback:

The GREAT  LIQUID DIET Notes – free


The Great Liquid Diet NotesEach year, starting 3 January (thru 1 February), I do The 30-day GREAT Liquid Diet (“GLD”) purification / weight loss program (I’m on it as I write this).  Clients, family, friends—everyone who does this saves a bunch of money and has their health boosted big time—like 30-50%!  No hype, no B.S., no kidding. 


This GLD is a health secret I’ve used personally since 2004—and clinically since 1975 to manage and resolve many patient disorders.   Use it for a day, a week, a month (most recommended), or even indefinitely.  It’s mainly about purification.  After all, purification is the name of the game in bodily life.  This is Wisdom.  Done right, the results on the GLD are guaranteed. 


So, how did these “Notes” happen?  In November of 2018, I mentioned the GLD to a science class we were teaching in Iceland.  Most of them indicated an interest.  The following January, to my surprise and delight, most of them joined me!  To encourage them, and provide tips and guidance, on each of the 30 days I prepared and emailed them one-page “GLD Notes”. 


Now, I offer them to you as a free gift.  Go to and sign in.  They’ll come to you daily for 30 days—to get and help keep yourself and others well.  You can save them and forward them to others.


You’ll need a sturdy blender (like a VitaMix).  A good juicer (Omega) is not crucial but can help.  Full details, tons of great recipes and much more are in the book, The GREAT Liquid Diet, available on Amazon as e-book (free or $2.99USD) and paperback ($14.99). 


BTW, your author’s body typically loses 15 lbs. in the 30 days.  Thinner people tend to lose less—or can actually gain weight.  Larger / heavier folks tend to lose much more.  


BUT… far more important is the purification—and the consequent enormous health benefits: eliminate pain, toxins, inflammation and chronic disorders.  Gain longevity, youthful appearance, balanced health.  The recipes are tasty and healthy, and the program is safe for just about anyone.  It’s free.  Go to and sign in.  Enjoy!

The GREAT  LIQUID DIET Lifestyle Gifts – $12/year


The Great Liquid Diet GiftsA new and better Lifestyle is among the many benefits of The GREAT Liquid Diet process.  Yes, diet is crucially important to health.  The gross physical body is a FOOD body—so, the quality and quantity of the food we eat largely determines the health of the gross body (and the lower sense-mind and emotions). 


But good health is about more than just eating.  Lifestyle is important, too.  And that lifestyle has to be life-positive.  Look at all the disease around us.  How much of this is due to life-negative lifestyle?


Decades ago, in the midst of clinical practice, I noticed the patients’ (our) undisciplined and sometimes even bizarre lifestyle patterns.  So many of us were (and still are) all over the place with our exercise, sleep patterns, work hours, personal environments, relationships, and Spirituality. 


Our present consumer-oriented, self-possessed (and self-obsessed!) “crazy random” culture, owned by Big Corporate and steeped in gross “scientific materialism”, actually encourages and even promises a crass, blatantly hedonistic, self-fulfillment.  Our life has become like a bizarre Reality TV show.


Bottom line: we are not shown—with any kind of clarity—how to live an intelligent, disciplined, “right life”.   So, when others and I started taking on the GLD, we wondered what else we could do to improve our lives. 


Enter GLDLifestyle.  The GLDLifestyle “Gifts” are single-page tips, money-saving tricks, and practical life hacks for practicing this higher way of life.  Source: my 80+ years of life experience, plus the common sense, every day smarts, and true Wisdom of many others.  (And need I say it?  Wisdom is currently very rare in this world!) 


The GLDLifestyle Gifts cover a very wide variety of subjects:


  • Stop and reverse dental caries
  • How to live cooperatively
  • Growing your own food
  • Water that’s safe to drink
  • Best skin care
  • Moving beyond addiction
  • The dreaded “D” word
  • Effective methods of longevity


The subject list is very long, with practical tips that can be used daily.  These Gifts appear in your inbox weekly by signing up at plus a renewable yearly $30 fee.  That’s it!  Sign up, pay once for the year, and…welcome!

—Message us at any time 619-240-3711

—Call us direct Mon-Fri 11AM to 6PM Pacific Time at (lab) 619-739-0163

—Email us at [email protected]