#114 – Upper-Q
This remarkable little book illustrates the results of one of those “Ah-hah!” moments that can happen at any time—like in the midst of evaluating a patient’s eye signs.
While observing all those intricate, overlapping, and (yes!) often confusing brain area markings in the eyes of a patient, I realized that accurate as they may be, they were still not providing certain desired information. It’s that vague, uncomfortable feeling that something is missing—and you just aren’t sure what.
Then, it suddenly occurred to me that what was basically being shown—tho not openly expressed—was something deeper, beneath the specific brain areas. While the brain areas were rightly placed, this was something that was influencing the patient’s mental-emotional makeup.
A check of past map areas of the brain, patient conditions involving Upper-Q (upper sclera Quadrant) markings, plus research into studies of the mental and emotional impact on the gross physical body, started the ball rolling toward this summary understanding and offering we are calling “Upper-Q”.
In some real sense, this revelation is a shortcut to your evaluation of the patient’s overall health circumstance. While not meant to displace or replace detailed data about specific brain centers—which tend to be quite accurate—this new paradigm typically and neatly summarizes an overriding factor: the three areas most often dominating our lives: the emotional, the mental, and the etheric.
Knowing where these areas are and what they suggest with certain dominating Upper-Q markings turns out to be at least half the battle—or, if you like, half the effort to understand the dynamics of the person before you, the one who has come for your help. This book provides real guidance not only in the evaluation but also in your Rx. Take advantage of this discovery. You’ll be pleased with the results.
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